This community is for any students at LSBU who want to celebrate Indian culture, whether you're from India or just want to learn more about the culture, everyone is welcome here.
You can become a member through the Join Group Tab above. Once joined you will get the full benefits of membership with all events and activities hosted by the group open to you, as well as gaining access to the WhatsApp group chat!
With this being the community’s first year at LSBU you get a say in what happens, whether that's talks, debates, trips, or parties; we want to hear from you! Use the link below to share your suggestions and ideas for events and activities this year.
If you want to get even more involved why not become a Community Volunteer to help plan, organise and run events? Use the link below to volunteer, knowing you’d be in control of how much time you give.
Keep checking back here regularly to stay up to date with the events and activities happening in your community.